Opponents of the plan to turn over Lansdowne Park to a massive redevelopment project launched their own campaign Thursday.

"Lansdowne Needs You" includes an online petition to protest the City of Ottawa's decision to negotiate with the businessmen behind the Lansdowne Live project, which includes a revamped football stadium to host an expansion CFL franchise.

Critics believe the city erred in choosing last month to deal exclusively with the group, headed by Minto's Roger Greenberg and 67s owner Jeff Hunt.

Coun. Clive Doucet, perhaps council's most vocal opponent, helped spearhead the petition. He wants the city to revive the concept of an international design competition for Lansdowne Park.

Joining him is Ian Lee, a Carleton University business professor, who believes sole-source contracting will set a dangerous precedent.

The $100-million Lansdowne Live proposal will return to city council for a July vote. Besides a stadium, the bid included a promise to create a "people place" with a refurbished Civic Centre, exhibition space, formal gardens and ponds and commercial buildings.

Instead of accepting the plan as it stands, the city is working with the group to reach an agreement on how to move forward with reshaping Lansdowne Park.

Plans for the city to provide 30-acres of land and $10 million in cash to help Eugene Melnyk in his bid to build a soccer stadium in Kanata have been put on hold until council votes on the final Lansdowne Live proposal.