Count maple syrup producers as one of the few groups unhappy with the summerlike weather because of the impact it's having on their industry.

When it gets too warm the sap starts going to the buds on the trees, diverting it away from the taps.

"We make one litre per tree on average and we're probably only going to make about a quarter this year," said Francois Proulx of east Ottawa's Proulx Sugarbush and Berry Farm.

A typical season to harvest sap is from mid-March to mid-April, with optimal temperatures much lower than the 24 C on Sunday afternoon.

"Ideal temperatures for the sap to flow have to be between 3 C and 10 C during the day and below freezing at night," he said.

Proulx said there hasn't been a good stretch of production all winter and he needs a snowstorm to help salvage the season.

"I know people don't like to hear that, but as a producer we like to see some snow," he said.

"It feels like we've been a bit short-changed of a winter," said Oliver Drake.

The heat isn't stopping activities at the farm, which was good news for one family from Dubai on Sunday.

"This is my first syrup, I got it here today," said Sama Farur. "I love mud, I want my kid to roll in the mud . . . really."

Proulx said syrup prices shouldn't drastically increase if there's a shortage since there's still a surplus of it from Quebec.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Karen Soloman