Politicians from all levels of government spoke out against Lansdowne Live on Monday, accusing the city of sole-sourcing a plan to redevelop the historic park.

"I'm a citizen of Ottawa and I followed the debate and discussion in the media - in television, radio and the newspapers. And then I got more annoyed, the more I heard about the process. We are living in the capital of a great country, we should be opening this up," said former federal NDP leader Ed Broadbent.

Among those who expressed their opposition to the project in writing included Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, former federal Tory MP Flora MacDonald and former Ottawa-Centre Liberal candidate Penny Collenette.

Residents will have the chance to have their say on the project during public delegations scheduled at Ottawa City Hall on Thursday.

By late Monday morning, 75 Ottawa residents had already signed up to express their views to city council.

Council will likely start debating and putting forward motions to amend the current Lansdowne Live proposal on Friday. Discussions are expected to be lengthy, pushing a scheduled vote on the project to early next week.