KINGSTON -- Some dog parks and outdoor sports amenities reopened in Kingston Tuesday, as the province gives the green light for more outdoor activities to resume. 

“It’s like her first day back at school, they’re so excited,” says Tina of her black lab.

Off-leash dog parks, and some outdoor sports fields, sports courts and skate parks had been closed for weeks under provincial COVID-19 rules. The Ontario Government will allow municipalities to reopen the parks with proper measures in place to encourage physical distancing. 

In Kingston, the city saying its dog parks would allow visitors starting Tuesday morning.

In Ottawa, National Capital Commission off-leash dog parks have reopened following the long weekend as well. However, parking lots at Bruce Pit and Conroy Pit remain closed.

The City of Ottawa announced late Tuesday afternoon that dog parks are now open.

Residents are asked to maintain physical distancing rules, wear a mask when that is not possible, and wash their hands.

Owners visiting Rotary Park’s off-leash dog park in Kingston say they are not concerned about physical distancing at the parks.

“I carry hand sanitizer in my car all the time, once I’m done at the dog park I’ll just go sanitize anyway,” says Meagan Bell, owner of Archer, a 3-year-old collie-mix.

“Everyone’s nicely spaced out, the dogs are having fun,” says Tina.

“I’m really glad the dog parks open and not just go for walks with me alone,” says Christine Morton, owner of a puppy named Cody.

At the CaraCo Home Field Track, which is maintained by the City of Kingston and opened its gates on Tuesday, runners feel a similar sense of security.

“Even though there’s no track season, being able to get out and do intervals makes it feel more normal, even though it’s not,” says runner Ben Workman. “In a community like us right now... if you just stay away from people I think you’re not in any danger outside.”

Some provincial restrictions remain in place, so park amenities like benches, picnic tables, playgrounds and public washrooms remain closed, while gatherings of more than five people also remain banned.


With files from Newstalk 580 CFRA’s Andrew Pinsent