Two sisters in Kanata have launched a campaign they hope will bring smiles to the faces of Canadian Forces members serving overseas. 

In early April, Kiera Kucherhan, 6, and her 10-year-old sister Sienna launched the "If you can't eat em', treat em" cookie campaign to send girl guide cookies overseas. 

"My dad had been deployed overseas and he always liked getting goodies from home so I thought it would be nice if I gave some cookies to the deployed military members," Sienna said. 

The girls' father Daniel Kucherhan was deployed to Afghanistan for seven months back in 2013. While he was away the little girls would send him care packages filled with memories and snacks from home. 

"This will really bring people home," said Daniel Kucherhan. 

Since the campaign was launched the girls have sold about 120 cookies, or 10 cases, and they have another 5 cases to go. The goal is to send the cookies off to the troops sometime in May. A similar initative, Operation Cookie Drop, runs in the United States but the family believes it is the only group doing so in Canada.

The girls' mom Shari Kucherhan has been working with the Canadian Armed Forces to ship the cookies. A destination for the sweet treats has yet to be decided. 

"Anyone who has been deployed knows what this will mean, just to get something from home and know that someone is thinking," Shari Kucherhan said. 

Anyone who wants to donate cases of girl guide cookies or wants to buy cookies for the soldiers can contact the group using this email: