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Five things to watch in proposed new rules for 2022-2026 Ottawa council term

Ottawa City Hall

The new Council Governance Review for the city of Ottawa is proposing a new city committee, rotating deputy mayors for the four-year term and continuing with hybrid council and committee meetings.

Council will vote Wednesday on the 2022-2026 Council Governance Review, which includes recommendations from Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and city staff.

The report for council also recommends voluntary home/personal security measures for council funded by the city, including security cameras and alarm systems at their homes. looks at five changes proposed in the 2022-2026 Council Governance Review.


The Council Governance Review proposes separating the Community and Protective Services Committee into two separate committees, collapsing the IT sub-committee into an existing city committee and expanding the mandate for the newly named Planning and Housing Committee.

Here is a look at the changes

  • The Community and Protective Services Committee will be separated into the "Community Services Committee" and the "Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee." The Community Services Committee would be responsible for community services, including housing, parks, recreation, cultural, museum and heritage programming, long-term care and social services. The Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee will be responsible for emergency and protective services, including Bylaw and Regulatory Services, Ottawa Fire Services, Ottawa Paramedic Services and Public Safety Service.
  • The mandate of the former IT Sub-Committee will be incorporated into the mandate of the Finance and Economic Development Committee
  • The newly named Planning and Housing Committee will look into additional housing matters. Staff say, "Given recent legislative changes that have been enacted or proposed by the Province of Ontario that would have significant impacts on municipal financing, planning processes and operational matters….the Mayor has identified a need to ensure that housing affordability is fully integrated into staff's work and Council's decision making on planning and housing matters."
  • The Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management will be renamed the Environment and Climate Change Committee

The report also notes Mayor Sutcliffe recommends council return to the "formal practice of reviewing and reaffirming" committee chairs and vice-chairs through the mid-term governance review.


No citizens will sit on the Transit Commission for the first time in more than 10 years, if council approves the recommendations in the Council Governance Review.

The report recommends the commission in charge of OC Transpo and Para Transpo only be composed of elected officials.

Instead of citizen commissioners, staff will begin the process to set up a transit advisory board composed of members of the public, and at least one user of Para Transpo.

"During consultation for the 2022-2026 Governance Review, most Members of Council expressed the view that all Commissioners should be Members of Council, as the elected officials are directly accountable to residents rather than to Council," the report states.

There were four citizen transit commissioners on the Transit Commission during the 2018-22 term of council.


Ottawa could have three deputy mayors serving at one time, on a rotating basis during the 2022-2026 term.

The governance review says Mayor Sutcliffe recommends Council adopt a Deputy Mayor Bylaw that would establish a rotation list whereby three city councillors would serve as Deputy Mayors for an identified period of time.

"The requirement for three councillors serving during the same time would alleviate the need to change the rotation should a scheduled councillor not be available to fulfill certain duties during a portion of their identified time," the report says.

Council had three permanent deputy mayors during the 2018-2022 term of Council. The deputy mayors were recommended by the mayor and approved by council.

The deputy mayors will not have a seat on the Finance and Economic Development Committee, with two councillors appointed instead.


Elected officials will receive funding for personal/home security measures this term of council, if approved in the Council Governance Review.

"Incidents involving vandalism, harassment, and abuse toward elected officials have been documented at all levels of government in recent years," the report says.

Former Coun. Mathieu Fleury told the Public Order Emergency Commission that people arrived at his home during the Freedom Convoy, "and just yelled absurdities."

The City Clerk is recommending the mayor and councillors be provided with the option of receiving the following personal/home security measures on a voluntary basis:

  • A home security audit conducted by Corporate Security personnel
  • Up to $4,000 for personal home security measures such as an alarm panel or security cameras
  • Up to $100 per month for reimbursement of any security measure monthly monitoring fees


Council and city committees will continue to meet in a hybrid model during the 2022-2026 term, if the recommendations are approved by council.

Council and city committees moved to electronic meetings at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, then shifted to a hybrid model last March with both in-person participation from the Council Chambers and virtual participation.

"During consultations for the 2022-2026 Governance Review, Members of Council largely expressed support for hybrid meetings for Council and Standing Committees, as well as a desire to collaborate in person with colleagues more frequently," the report says.

"Hybrid meetings allow Members, staff and the public to participate in a manner that is safe and effective for them."

The report says if council approves continuing the hybrid meeting approach, hybrid meetings would be the standard format for all meetings, with virtual meetings still permitted on an as-needed basis.


  • Councillor voting records will be published to Open Ottawa
  • Elected officials must file annual disclosures of financial and business interests with the Integrity Commissioner
  • A one year "cooling off" period for senior staff, elected officials and mayor/councillor staff members before lobbying the city of Ottawa
  • The chairs of the Ottawa Board of Health and Ottawa Police Servicers Board be provided with a half full-time equivalent position to support their roles
  • As part of the annual Budget Directions report, recommended budget increases will be allocated to Police, Library, Public Health, the Transit Commission and the Auditor General's Office based on their individual pro-rated share of revenues derived from the Council-directed tax target Top Stories

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