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COVID-19 hospitalizations in Ottawa trending downward despite slight uptick Tuesday


Ottawa Public Health is reporting a slight increase in the number of residents being treated because of an active case of COVID-19, but total number of patients with COVID-19 in local hospitals is trending down.

OPH reported 13 residents in hospital because of COVID-19, up from 10, and four patients in intensive care, up from two.

To count as a hospitalization intervention, the hospitalization must involve treatment for an active COVID-19 infection or have a hospital stay extended because of active COVID-19. This also applies to people who may acquire COVID-19 while in hospital. Local hospitals have reported higher numbers of patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.

Here is a look at the latest number of patients with COVID-19 reported by each Ottawa hospital:

  • CHEO: Four patients
  • Montfort Hospital: 11 patients (as of Friday)
  • Queensway Carleton Hospital: 15 patients
  • The Ottawa Hospital: 37 patients

On Friday, hospitals reported 74 patients between them. One week ago, there were 86 patients in Ottawa hospitals who had tested positive for COVID-19. Two weeks ago, there were 133.

No new COVID-19 related deaths were reported by OPH on Tuesday. On Monday, OPH reported four residents had died. To date, 752 residents of Ottawa have died after contracting COVID-19.

Another 104 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ottawa, though that number is believed to be an underrepresentation of the full amount of COVID-19 in the community because PCR testing remains limited to select groups.

The Ottawa COVID-19 wastewater monitoring project is showing a stable viral signal, at a similar level to mid-December before the peak of the Omicron variant wave.

Graph representing COVID-19 wastewater viral signal in Ottawa. Data last reported 2022-02-18. (

Ontario health officials reported 1,038 people in hospital with COVID-19 across the province on Tuesday, including 319 in ICU. The province also reported 24 new deaths in the past two days, as there was no report on Monday due to the Family Day holiday.


  • COVID-19 cases per 100,000 (Feb. 14 to Feb. 20): 104.3 (down from 106.5) 
  • Positivity rate in the Ottawa community (excluding long-term care homes) (Feb. 14 to Feb. 20): 11.0 per cent (up from 10.6 per cent)
  • Reproduction number (Seven day average): 0.83
  • Known active cases: 857 (-58)

Reproduction values greater than 1 indicate the virus is spreading and each case infects more than one contact. If it is less than 1, it means spread is slowing.

The number of known active cases is the number of confirmed cases (based on testing) minus the numbers of resolved cases and deaths.


Thirteen residents of Ottawa are in hospital with an active COVID-19 infection on Tuesday, up from 10 on Monday.

There are four people in ICU, up from two.


Age categories of people in hospital:

  • 0-9: 1
  • 10-19: 0
  • 20-29: 0
  • 30-39: 1 (1 in ICU)
  • 40-49: 0
  • 50-59: 5 (2 in ICU)
  • 60-69: 1
  • 70-79: 4 (1 in ICU)
  • 80-89: 0
  • 90+: 1

(Ottawa Public Health is now reporting people in hospital with an "active" infection)


As of Tuesday:

  • Ottawa residents with 1 dose (5+): 912,663 (+362)
  • Ottawa residents with 2 doses (5+): 870,592 (+2,041)
  • Ottawa residents with 3 doses (18+): 534,077 (+1,507)
  • Share of population five and older with at least one dose: 92 per cent
  • Share of population five and older fully vaccinated: 88 per cent (+1)

*Statistics on Ottawa residents with one or two doses include anyone with an Ottawa postal code who was vaccinated anywhere in Ontario.


  • Eastern Ontario Health Unit: 7 in hospital, 1 in ICU 
  • Hastings Prince Edward Public Health: 23 in hospital, 2 in ICU (as of Friday)
  • Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Public Health: 8 in hospital, 1 in ICU (as of Friday)
  • Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit: 6 in hospital, 3 in ICU 
  • Renfrew County and District Health Unit: 14 in hospital, 3 in ICU (as of Thursday)
  • Outaouais (Gatineau and western Quebec): 28 in hospital, 4 in ICU

These figures are based on the latest data from each respective health unit at the time of publishing.


Ottawa Public Health is currently reporting active outbreaks in the following locations:

  • 4 long-term care homes
  • 12 retirement homes
  • 3 hospital units
  • 5 other congregate settings (group homes, supported independent living, etc.)

OPH no longer reports outbreaks in schools and childcare settings nor community outbreaks, such as those linked to local businesses, religious institutions, or sports and recreation activities.

A full list of locations with active outbreaks is available on OPH's COVID-19 dashboard. Top Stories

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