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Arnprior Aerospace to close after 70 years in operation


Arnprior Aerospace has announced it will be closing its operations in the Ottawa Valley.

The company opened in Arnprior in 1954 as a Boeing operation and will be closing its doors on March 6, 2024.

In a statement, the company cited financial difficulties as reason for the closure.

"We have taken actions attempting to adapt to these new market realities but unfortunately these actions have not resulted in a financially viable manufacturing facility in Arnprior," the aerospace company said in a statement to CTV News.

For long-time employees such as Matt Lyon, the closure was anticipated.

"To me it's been coming for quite a while," said Lyon, who worked at Arnprior Aerospace for 15 years before being laid off in October 2022.

"If they've been employed for any length of time here, they have definitely been thinking the same thing as me. It's been coming for a little while."

It's a bitter blow for the 71 remaining unionized workers at Arnprior Aerospace who received the news just days before Christmas.

Once a hub for manufacturing in the Ottawa Valley, it's also a tough blow for the town of Arnprior. The company once employed over 800 employees.

Employees say it's just another cornerstone of the industry that has left the region.

"This was the place to work, if you got a job here at Boeing, you were doing pretty good," said Lyon.

"People would wear their Boeing jackets pretty proudly around town."

The job losses has stirred up worries from the town's mayor, as Arnprior aims to continue expanding.

"It always has an impact, any job loss has an impact," said Arnprior Mayor Lisa McGee.

"And I'd say especially so in a small town where there's the trickledown effect – it hits our local merchants, our small businesses and our restaurants."

Hynes is hopeful upcoming meetings with local politicians can influence the company to stay.

"I'm hoping they can put some pressure on the owner to keep this work and figure out a way we can do it."

"Really, the economy here needs these kinds of jobs," said Lyon. "We need work around here."

And with the loss of employment imminent, McGee is offering hope to those in search of local work.

"In terms of supporting those who have lost their jobs through this process, there are some irons in the fire in Arnprior. These things do take a little bit of time," McGee said. Top Stories

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