A network of credit unions across Ontario is raising money through community donations to support the people in Ukraine, who continue to fight back against the Russian occupation.
The Ukrainian Credit Union is collecting community donations through its 'Help Ukraine Program', which directly supports individual soldiers on the ground.
It’s the reason Chrystia Chudczak and her son Daryan Matthews have come to the credit union branch on Holland Avenue.
"I’m here to explore how I can help Ukraine by donating proceeds from my Shopify store to the UCU fund," says Chudczak, whose online shop is called Krapka.
She partners with a variety of artists, to create unique Ukrainian-inspired street wear.
"Today is the anniversary, the first month of this horrific war. People are dying, civilians are being killed and it’s important to support Ukrainians who are fighting freedom and democracy for the rest of the world."
Branch manager Khrystyna Levus is thankful for the outpouring of local support. The many people flooding into the credit union to make donations hit home for her, literally - her entire family lives in western Ukraine.
"I call them before I go to bed and I call them, I get in touch first thing in the morning we have to do now everything possible to help to end it," Levus says. "People are supporting us, not only members who have an account with us but many others and it’s so powerful to see different people coming in for one idea. The donation goes directly to Ukraine to help those who are in need."
Roman Mlynko, UCU Helps Ukraine coordinator, says the provincial network of credit unions has already collected more than $250,000 in donations.
"We partnered with a volunteer organization in Lviv, Ukraine, which is in the west of the country, and since then we have been providing financial assistance to wounded soldiers that are coming to the military hospital," says Mlynko, adding the program began in 2015 after Russia annexed Crimea. "Our volunteers on the ground in Ukraine deliver the funds to the hospital and we have written confirmation from each soldier and a video evidence of them receiving it."
As the occupation pushed on, Mlynko says there is an immediate need to ensure the Ukraine army is well equipped and that the program mandate has been expanded to non-lethal supplies, like flak jackets, helmets, binoculars and drones.
"We are actively spending the funds at the earliest opportunity," says Mlynko. "Ukraine is fighting not only for its freedom but it’s also fighting for the freedom of Europe and the globe."
You can donate to UCU Helps Ukraine in one of four ways:
Mail – make your cheque payable to 'UCU Helps Ukraine' and mail to 2265 Bloor St. W, Toronto, ON M6S 1P1
Direct Deposit - at any branch of the Ukrainian Credit Union Limited to Acct #721225
eTransfer - ucuhelpsukraine@ukrainiancu.com
Phone - call Anna at 416-763-5575 ext. 150