Tyson loves to go outside and sniff the leaves.

Pretty typical for most dogs, but extra-special for Tyson.

The dog was found a few months ago in Nicaragua, the victim of an accidental machete blow. The blade sliced through the upper part of his snout, his nose hanging by little more than skin.

Now he has his own Facebook page: Tyson the Wonder Dog.

A veterinarian based in Ottawa saw Tyson’s plight on social media and decided to help. Dr. Graham Thatcher and his wife arranged to fly the dog  to Ottawa for treatment.

On Tuesday, Tyson underwent a 7-hour surgery to clean out the dead tissue and repair what was left with metal plates.

Just a few days later, Tyson was sniffing up a storm. “He’s very gentle but he’s obviously quite a hyper boy,” says Thatcher.

He isn’t out of the woods yet. If his wound has a chance to heal, his caregivers are going to have to keep him calm and prevent him from chewing on things. Growing up on a farm in Nicaragua, he’s not exactly the best-trained dog.

So why go to all the trouble of flying the dog thousands of miles, performing the surgery and all the follow-up care?

“I don’t see Tyson as just a dog. I see every dog as a life,” explains Thatcher. “And as a veterinarian my job is to help animals. So why wouldn’t I help Tyson?”

The original plan was to re-unite Tyson with his owner in Nicaragua. But, Thatcher says he hasn’t been able to get hold of that owner. Either way, Tyson already has a home. “He may become an addition to my family,” says Thatcher with a smile.