MONTREAL - Talk of peace in Quebec's three-month student conflict appears to be premature.

At least nine student associations have voted to reject the agreement between the provincial government and student leaders -- some of them by massive majorities, of up to 94 per cent.

Those details are being provided by protest leaders; there was word of one student assembly in the Gaspe region agreed to the deal, while many others rejected it.

Also, at least seven protests are planned throughout the province today.

While student associations are voting this week on the arrangement, some of the principal actors are sounding less than enthusiastic.

One student website has even published what was purports to be an insider's account of a marathon 24-hour negotiating session that led to the arrangement over the weekend.

That blow-by-blow description accuses the government of using sleep deprivation to get students, in the morning after all-night negotiations, to agree to what was put before them.

It says a few significant details were changed and that the final agreement isn't exactly what the students thought they had agreed to.

Now some student leaders are asking that the agreement be revised.

The deal, aimed at ending three months of unrest in the province, uses a variety of mechanisms to keep student fees frozen until the end of the year -- but there's a possibility the fees will increase exactly as planned starting next January.