Russell residents are fighting back against a plan to turn the township's quarry into the largest waste diversion and landfill site in eastern Ontario.

More than 300 people showed up to a meeting at Russell Arena Monday night to discuss their concerns.

"This is something that's going to affect you, me, my grandchildren and yours," said one opponent.

The Taggart/Miller Group wants to transform an old shale quarry into a new landfill. However, opponents fear the rock lining in the quarry could be cracked from years of blasting, and waste stored at the site could seep into the community's ground water.

"I'm concerned about the water table, the effect this is going to have on the water table. I'm concerned about the traffic -- the trucks," said one resident.

"They're building next to our lot and it's going to affect probably water. And we have cows, we have farmland, it's going to affect traffic, it's going to affect everything," added another resident.

However, the environmental company that owns the site says residents have misconceptions about the proposed development.

"It is not a dump. I think we all understand in our minds what that looks like and in no way is it anywhere close to what people believe," said Hubert Bourque, a project manager for the Taggart/Miller Group.

The developer will host its own open house to discuss the plan at the Russell Arena on Thursday from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Meg Wilcox and Melissa Lamb