Brad Shapansky is pretty shaken up after a Father's Day bike ride ended with injuries to his entire body. The veteran cyclist says he worries for road safety after he hit an unmarked expansion joint on the Chaudiere Bridge.

"I have been banged up essentially on every part of me: both arms, both legs, swollen ankles, my back, ripped up my clothes," he said. "I did break my helmet and was at the doctor this morning; I suffered a mild concussion."

He isn't sure if his front wheel or both wheels got jammed in the joint, but what he does know for sure was he was down and rolling on the road in an instant.

Cyclists say there's an easy fix

Signage to prevent future problems like this would be "a simple fix" Shapansky says. "There is an easy rubber inlay -- anything that runs parallel to the line of traffic."

One fellow cyclist agrees.

"It's not an obstacle you can ride through," cyclist Gilles Monvoison says. "It's wide enough, especially for a road bike, you will sink right into it. Even a thicker tire . . . would go through it."

The federal government's public works department, which has jurisdiction on the Chaudiere Bridge, did not respond to requests for comment.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Vanessa Lee