As of Friday morning, Ottawa had 360 centimeters of snow on the ground. This weekend's storm hasn't been added to that total, but it probably won't match the record set in 1971.

That's the year Ottawa saw 444 centimetres of snow - the most in the city's recorded history.

But, we're getting pretty close.

At Ottawa's Westboro Legion, CTV spoke to some people who remember that record-setting winter.

"The snowbanks were pretty huge. We didn't have a snowblower so I did a lot of shovelling," said Albert Ferguson.

"We were working seven days a week and sometimes we just kept going and going and going until our route was done and then we'd finish it and then we'd have to start again," said Ray Castle, a former Ottawa city employee.

Others, like June Deneault, said it wasn't all that bad.

"I believe it was three days. And it went on and on. We were snowed in and the plow couldn't get through," she said. "And of course, I'm like a little kid with snow, I thought it was fun. I enjoyed it, it was exciting."

"It was a nice winter, heavy snow and that. We had a good time. No big deal. You get used to it," said Freddy Desjardins.

As Ottawa gets close to reaching the winter of 1971's record, Castle had these words of advice to those who feel that they simply can't take the snow any more.

"I think the city will get through it. One good concept is that in July there'll be no more," said Castle.

With a report from CTV's Jonathan Rotondo