The City’s planning committee has approved a site plan proposal for the proposed addition to the Chateau Laurier.

The committee was voting on whether they believed the structure would be safe and functional, but a stream of public delegations spoke at the meeting to once again argue against the modern design of the addition.

The design actually falls under the heritage permit that was granted last year, on the condition that the architect include more limestone and other accents that complement the existing hotel. City staff felt that condition has been met.

Rideau Vanier Coun. Mathieu Fleury, whose ward includes the Chateau, has said he will attempt to bring forward a motion at City Council later this month to revoke the heritage permit. City staff have warned this could open the City up to a lawsuit from Larco Investments, which owns the iconic hotel.

The site plan application was eventually approved in an 8-3 vote. Couns. Dudas, Harder, El-Chantiry, Gower, Chiarelli, Blais, Hubley, and Tierney voted in favour. Couns. Leiper, Brockington, and Moffatt voted against.