A passenger on board a bus involved in Tuesday's Transitway crash said the scene inside was orderly immediately after it happened.

Graham Lowrey was on the 61 heading west to Kanata when it was hit by another bus near Tunney's Pasture station just after 4:20 p.m.

"Windows cracked and broke, people jostled out of seats and falling around, realizing a collision had happened," he said.

Lowrey said he felt three separate bumps.

"The initial impact kind of jostled us, I looked and I could tell at that point we weren't in our correct lane, we were moving actually further to the left," he said.

"Second, it seemed like the driver pulled away from the bus in order to avoid any more damage to the bus and the third one is when the left side of the bus hit into the snowbank on the left side of the road."

Twelve people were taken to hospital with minor injuries in the crash that closed the Transitway and sent buses to nearby streets during rush hour.

Despite the commuter chaos, Lowrey said the response to the crash on his bus was handled "as well as it could."

"No one was really panicked, everyone was sitting in their seats or standing, everyone was starting to ask each other if everyone was okay," he said.

"They made sure everyone was calm and collected and basically was going through what was going to happen next, about exiting and getting on a different bus and talking to proper authorities about injuries."

OC Transpo has faced criticism for their lack of information on the crash as it was unfolding.

"I just heard about it in the Metro after it had happened, I didn't hear anything from OC Transpo," said Bar Morgan.

"They should be covering it a bit more if there's an accident with it," said Jordan Thompson.

Police haven't laid any charges related to the crash.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Vanessa Lee