Undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa have voted to keep their mandatory school transit pass despite criticism over its price increase.

Preliminary results show 3,657 students voted to keep the U-Pass in a referendum earlier this week, versus 1,573 who voted against it.

There was an active "Vote No" lobby at the school based on the fact the price of the pass was going up nearly 25 per cent from last year.

The rest of OC Transpo ridership saw their fares go up 2.5 per cent in the October draft budget.

If the school's graduate students also vote in favour of the pass then $180 per semester will be added to their tuition as payment.

This year, the U-Pass cost students $145 per semester at Ottawa U and Carleton. If it was voted down, students would have the option of paying $300 a semester.

Carleton University students vote in their U-Pass referendum in March.