OTTAWA - The Ottawa Police Service Guns and Gangs / DART unit charged two Ottawa men with numerous charges related to an incident that occurred on December 3, 2013.

Mohamed JAMA, 25 yrs, of Ottawa and Mohamed SALAD 25 yrs, of Ottawa have been charged with the following:

Use Firearm / Commit Indictable offence, Use / Handle / Store Firearm, etc, Carelessly Possess Prohibited Firearm without holding a license Possess Firearm, etc. Obtained by crime Possess Firearm with Altered Serial number Uttering Threats / Death or Bodily Harm Extortion Forcible Confinement Unlicensed Person Possess Prohibited / Restricted Weapon

Mohamed JAMA has been charged additionally with Pointing a Firearm and Mohamed SALAD has been charged additionally with Possess a firearm while prohibited.

JAMA and SALAD will have video remand from RDC (Regional Detention Center) on December 9, 2013.