The National Capital Commission is asking the owner of the Chateau Laurier to be "open" to finding approaches that take into account the historic setting of the hotel.

But the federal agency says it has no control over the controversial design of the addition.

The Board of Directors released a statement shortly after Council rejected a motion to reconsider its decision to allow the addition to proceed. It says the NCC is committed to ensuring elements within its authority are “are executed in accordance with the highest standards of excellence.”

Elements under the NCC’s authority include landscape, public access and integration between the Chateau Laurier and the neighbouring federal lands.  It can also look at the impact of the north-facing façade on the public use and enjoyment of Major’s Hill Park.

The NCC’s statement says “in its discussions in the weeks and months ahead, the NCC will urge the proponent to be open to finding solutions and approaches that take into account the historic setting of the Chateau Laurier and its important role in defining the Capital experience.”

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna also issued a statement on Thursday, saying she has shared constituents’ concerns with the Mayor’s Office and Larco Investments.

McKenna added “we are building for the next 100 years and I believe there is still time for common sense to prevail and for the community and the private sector owner to come together to achieve an outcome in which everyone can take pride.”