OTTAWA -- It was a new low for Ottawa's LRT system on Saturday, with the city reporting Rideau Transit Group provided just seven trains for service to start the morning.
Seven trains is the lowest number reported by the city since the line was launched back in September.
Saturday afternoon, the city said the number of trains had increased to eight.
The note from the city says RTG may increase the number of trains available today to nine, although when that might happen is unclear.
Standard weekend service requires 11 trains running on the Confederation Line. No details have been provided as to why the fleet is depleted today.
The news follows yesterday's afternoon peak service when there were just eight trains in service. Four trains were pulled from the line after they were found to have flat spots on some of the wheels. During yesterday's morning peak commute it was also reported that debris on the tracks caused damage to four transponders. Those repairs have since been completed.