Tanya Hill has her hands full - two boys to look after and a husband serving overseas.

The Hills, who live in Rockland, are one of the three families CTV Ottawa is introducing this week to learn about the issues they want addressed during the federal election campaign.

Ken Hill is a Canadian Forces clerk currently in Afghanistan. The future of Canada's mission there hits home for his loved ones.

"I think they should stay," Tanya said Wednesday. "They have a job to do. We have a commitment to NATO we need to fulfill and they're clearly not finished over there, I have no problem with them being over there."

Childcare and Taxes

Jamie, the oldest, does his best to help his mother with housework. But Tanya is having problems finding daycare for little Sean.

"With a lot of my friends we've had to get on waiting lists when we find out we're pregnant, to secure child care space 12 or 24 months down the road," she said.

Taxes are also a concern; it's where 45 per cent of their household income goes in this time of rising fuel and food prices.

Regardless of which party wins though, Tanya Hill has one more request from her fellow voters.

"I desperately need a majority government," she said. "I don't have any faith in government to get anything done while they're constantly fighting against the opposition."

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Vanessa Lee