For all the money generated for mommies on Sunday, a lot of them said all they want for Mother's Day is time with the ones they love.

Maria Zacconi already has her plans for Mother's Day, a spot at Sala San Marco in Ottawa's Little Italy for their annual brunch.

"Mother's Day is that one day that everything stops and you actually have the opportunity to spend time with your mom," she said.

Susan Emond's family already has some gestures in mind for Sunday.

"I'll wash her car, probably," said one child, while the other declined comment on whether or not they'd make her breakfast.

"Every year gets better and better," Emond said. "I love to see them grow up. I love to see them accomplish things and become little adults."

The workers at Valley Flowers are putting in their hours well before one of the biggest days of their year – Mother's Day generates about $250,000 in sales for the Ottawa business.

"Everyone loves flowers. Mothers all love flowers. It's the greatest gift possible," said Jean Begin.

"By selling flowers, that's what we do - we make other mothers happy," said Michelle Begin.

Amey Holliday of Renu Spa said relaxation is a key part of the holiday.

"Your mom is always nurturing you and now it's definitely time for her to get that back on Mother's Day," she said. "It's when you realize how much she does for you, she needs to relax and rejuvenate herself as well."

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Stefanie Masotti