CTV Ottawa has learned a National Capital Commission consultant's report recommends against building a new bridge linking Ottawa to Hull in the city's west end.

"The fight to stop a bridge or a corridor going through beautiful Andrew Haydon Park . . . has been won. There will be no bridge here, no corridor and neither will there be one on Moodie Drive," area MP John Baird told CTV Ottawa.

"It's certainly good news for people in the west end of Ottawa and Nepean."

The report's findings were also welcomed by area MPP Jim Watson, who vowed to stop a bridge from going up in the west end.

"I am pleased that we have defeated the National Capital Commission plan to eviscerate Andrew Haydon Park," he said in a news release issued late Wednesday afternoon.

Experts have been studying 10 potential future crossings, which included popular choices at Lac Deschenes in the city's west end and Kettle Island in the east.

The NCC's report, which rules out the western route, is scheduled to be released Thursday.