Ottawa residents could be at risk due to a significant shortage of prescription drugs that treat everything from depression to managing your blood pressure.

The drug shortage is not just occurring in Ottawa, but it's happening at pharmacies across the country.

"Patients are at risk because of these shortages," said Paul Davies, a pharmacist at the Glebe Apothecary.

The pharmacy is almost out of an important heart medication, and a new supply likely won't arrive until the end of August.

"You can't just switch these drugs quickly or easily. In some cases, there may not be an alternative," Davies said.

He adds even if a different drug can be prescribed, pharmacists must speak to doctors before they can dispense something different.

No end in sight

The prescription drug shortage involves heart drugs, anti-depressants, blood pressure medication, and others.

The cause of the drug shortage -- a perfect storm of regulatory changes, raw material shortages and manufacturing glitches.

At the Glebe Apothecary, 90 drugs were ordered this week. Of those drugs, 39 weren't immediately available, and likely won't be available for months.

Pharmacists say the drug shortage won't be over any time soon. It could stay around for several months.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Norman Fetterley