A new bill was introduced Thursday at the Ontario Legislature that would force drivers to pay up  before gassing up.

The legislation is called “Jayesh’s law.” It’s in memory of Jayesh Prajapati, 44, a Toronto gas station attendant who was killed this week trying to stop someone from gasing up and dashing.

“How can anyone in this world kill somebody for $112?” said Prajapati’s family.

Liberal MPP, Mike Colle, tabled the bill to force all Ontario drivers to pre-pay for gas before they pump.

“If we can save another clerks life, I think it’s important we all get on board,” said Chris Wilcox, VP of Quickie Stores.

But some drivers are hesitant on the idea.

"What if it malfunctions? What if something goes wrong and I’ve already pre-paid,” said one driver.

Others are willing if it means saving lives.

"I'm from British Columbia and we have the same law. It’s a hassle, but if it keeps people safe then I think they are going to have to do it,” said another driver.

Prajapati’s family said they won’t stop until the law is changed.

Another part of this legislation is to impose severe penalties on gas stations who force attendants to pay for “Go and Dash” thefts out of their wages. This is illegal.

With a report from CTV Ottawa’s Catherine Lathem.