Spending $100 million is usually (OK, always) limited to the following groups: baseball players, rap stars, oil barons, Oprah, etc.

That lofty sum of money is going to be spread around to as many as 51 people thanks to the Lotto Max draw, which is offering a $50 million jackpot and 50 $1 million prizes.

The total of $100 million in prizes is a Canadian record.

With that money, you could buy:

  • Parliament Hill’s Centre Block, worth about $88 million.
  • A F-35 fighter jet, valued around $90 million.
  • Either Zack Parise or Ryan Suter’s entire contract, who each signed 13-year, $98 million deals with the Minnesota Wild this week.
  • 400 Ferrari convertibles, each valued at $250,000

Those with tickets in hand said they had high hopes to get a piece of that prize.

“I'd buy a house, it sounds so practical,” said one. “I'd go on a big trip . . . I’m going to Disney World next month, it would be a way different trip, wouldn't have to worry about the money.”

“I’d probably play a lot of golf actually, I think that would be my main bet,” said another.

One financial advisor said you’d have to be sure to not spend it too fast.

“There's a lot of financial planning to make sure the right decisions are made,” said Larry Moser, regional sales manager of BMO Canada.

“Last thing we want to see is someone win the lottery and two years later have nothing left.”

Draws are set to begin around 8 p.m. Friday, with winning numbers expected to be posted that night or early Saturday.

With a report from CTV Ottawa’s Claudia Cautillo