CTV Ottawa asked viewers to share their love stories with us ahead of Valentine's Day. Many of those stories were touching. Here is one we wanted to share with you:

In 1976, I (Sherry) joined the Black Watch (RHR) of Canada in Montreal. One of my instructors was a Rick Hummell.

Over the next 30+ years we became good friends, we used to talk about each other's girlfriends/boyfriends. We married others and went our separate ways for a number of years, but in 2002 our regiment held a reunion. Neither one of us were going until someone mentioned that the other would be attending. We went to the reunion and have been together ever since that night.

We have been married now almost six years (in March) and have never looked back. In fact, we believe that we should have been together all along but had to travel other roads in order to appreciate what we have now.

We are still associated very much with our Black Watch - in fact, this year is the 150th Anniversary of our Regiment and we will be attending everything we can - together of course - our friends would never expect any less!


-- Sherry & Rick Hummell
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Soulmates - then, now and always!