A family run business near Carleton Place is struggling this Christmas after weeks of unusually warm weather has prevented many from getting into the holiday spirit.

Ian's Christmas Adventure Park is celebrating its 35th anniversary but business is down about 50%.

'We have no retirement fund or anything. It's all this. Not much savings as it all goes back into the property, " said Ian Andrews, the owner of Ian's Christmas Adventure Park.

Andrews said they are thinking about selling a portion of land, and will be unable to add any new activities or displays to their 400 acre Christmas wonderland if business does not pick up. The park is only open for a month every year, so every day makes a difference.

"It's difficult," he said.

To raise her parents' spirits and to save the remaining week of their short season, Ian's daughter, Melissa, posted a Facebook message on the park's page urging customers for help.

"So this is my plea to you : I know it doesn't feel very Christmas, but we are counting on you to help make this season a successful one. Please make the trip out to the park to pick up your tree or to enjoy all of the activities we have to offer," the Facebook post read. 

That post helped bring in more customers Saturday who said the park is a special Christmas tradition that has to be preserved.

"So far we have always had snow, but even without it we love it. It's still great," said Andrea Vronsky.

"It would be better if the snow was here, but it still feels like Christmas with all the Christmas music," said Vronsky's daughter.

Ian's Christmas Adventure Park closes on Christmas Eve.