OTTAWA -- People still haven't taken down their Halloween decorations, and last night's candy haul is most likely still piled on the living room floor, but thoughts of another holiday are already surfacing, almost two months early.

It’s 54 days until Christmas, and Cindy Smaggus is counting down every single one of them.

“Christmas is a big joy for me. Huge,” says Smaggus.

She’s had her Christmas tree up for weeks already. It’s a yearly tradition in her family along with putting up all of her other Christmas decor.

“We put it up after Thanksgiving dinner,” says Smaggus. “When Christmas time gets close, that’s the joy that comes into my heart. And regardless of what else is going on around me, it’s always going to be there.”

Ottawa’s Tinseltown Christmas Emporium is the go-to place to make all of your Christmas wishes come true all year round. Owner Audy Czigler says it’s been busy for months already.

“Halloween was a rainy Sunday. We were swamped in our store,” says Czigler. “People are excited for Christmas. And people know that this year they can celebrate with a bigger family circle than they could last year. So, with that, they just want to do it up and have a great time and forget about COVID.”

Many shoppers have heard about supply chain problems. They’re shopping now to avoid shortages and to beat the Christmas rush.

“Any type of consumer good that is made in China for North America this year, especially for fourth quarter, it’s all stuck in China, or stuck on a boat,” says Czigler.

Smaggus isn’t worried. She’s way ahead of game.

“I don’t need those warnings about getting your Christmas shopping started,” says Smaggus, “because mine’s finished.”

And shoppers at Tinseltown also say they can’t wait to start celebrating the holiday, adding it’s never too early.

“I've already started my Christmas shopping. Like, in September,” says Anne Romain.

“I’ve always been in retail. So November first is officially Christmas time,” says Glen Taylor.

Wade Bedard adds, “My family always decorated early. We have three kids at home so I was just coming in to try to find a little car for the tree for the kids.”

Some say the Christmas season shouldn’t start until Remembrance Day is over, but that isn’t stopping these shoppers from getting a head start.

And it’s nothing but joy for Smaggus.

“I love Christmas,” says Smaggus. “Love Christmas.”