The Ontario Fire Marshal's Office is investigating after a fire swept through a corner store and adjacent apartments in Ottawa's Sandy Hill neighbourhood Wednesday, leaving several people homeless.

The fire heavily damaged Ayoub's Minimart, as well as some apartments located above the store at the corner of Somerset Street East and Blackburn Avenue.

"I was just sleeping and my sister came in and was screaming: 'There is a fire call 911, let's go, let's go, we have to get out,'" said Riman Chahine, who lives above the corner store with her two sisters and parents, who run the family-owned business.

"We pretty much grew up here. We lived right next door until we moved up here about seven years ago," she said.

Flames also quickly spread to the roof next door, where several University of Ottawa students returned from writing exams to find they couldn't go home.

Fire officials say the blaze appears to have started at the back of the corner store or in the residence above it.

Although no one was injured in the blaze, fire crews say the fire was stubborn.

"The building of origin, at one point, we thought we were going to lose the building, but we were able to get it all out, but there is heavy damage," said Ottawa District Fire Chief Lyle Fraser.

"The roof was burned off. As the fire got into the walls, we had to pull walls and ceilings down. It was a tough fire," he said.

Firefighters were able to salvage computers and some school work from the students' home. They were also able to rescue a few heirlooms for the Chahine family.

"They brought out a lot of pictures and stuff -- things they know can't be replaced," said Chahine, whose family is now taking refuge with relatives.

Although fire officials say both buildings can be repaired, damage is estimated at about $1.5 million.

In the meantime, the Sandy Hill community has started a fund at the nearby TD bank on Rideau Street to help the fire victims rebuild their lives.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Natalie Pierosara