A dog shot at "point blank" range with a crossbow, yesterday, died shortly after midnight.

MRC des Collines said the incident happened just before 10 a.m. behind a residence on Périneault Street.

Police are not releasing any information about what may have led to the incident, only that the wounded dog made its way home and that’s when the owner noticed the bolt in its chest.

The boxer-cross named "Jesse James" was taken to the Alta Vista Veterinary Hospital in South Ottawa.

“He was actively bleeding when he came in,” said Dr. Charles Bruce. “There was an arrow kind of entering the right side of his neck, it had cut the underside of his jaw you couldn't see where it was exiting. It kind of  buried in to what appeared to be his chest.”

Bruce said the dog did not seem dangerous.

“He’s a really, really nice dog,” he said. “He's sweet, has been wagging his tail when he's awake. He appears to be very nice. He’s shown no sign of aggression.”

Because of financial constraints, the practice is subsidizing the care for the dog, including a blood transfusion that costs upwards of $1,000, according to Bruce.

Already, many people have been inspired to donate.

“Every little bit helps and I think if everyone does their little part it makes the world better and hopefully the owner will come in and see that people care,” said Elise Bonder.

A 30-year-old man as arrested and appeared in court this morning.

With a report from CTV Ottawa’s Katie Griffin