An eastern Ontario couple is donating the bulk of their life savings to invest in Carleton University's humanities college.

Richard and Pamela Joho, who live in Madoc Ont., say they decided to donate millions for humanities scholarships at Carleton despite having no connection to the university itself.

"We believe university is not primarily vocational training, but from our own backgrounds in business, we know that a humanities education can be the best preparation for almost any kind of career you might go into," Pamela Joho told a gathering at the school on Tuesday.

The couple says they discovered the humanities program through an online Google search and were impressed by the liberal arts education the school offered.

"We think Carleton's college of the humanities just so embodies what we think is important for a student's university experience," Richard Joho told CTV Ottawa.

"For a lot of students this is the first, and for many the last time, that they will have an opportunity to deal with the issues of literature, philosophy, religion, before they go out and start raising families and worrying about a career. We want to make sure that they have the freedom to do that without financial worry."

The amount of the donation has not been disclosed in accordance to an agreement between the donors and Carleton University.