Forty-four city employees were handed pink slips Wednesday as the city moved forward with a restructuring plan that affected 115 people.

"It involves managers and program managers," said city manager Kent Kirkpatrick.

Although 44 people lost their jobs, the changes were felt by 115 employees. Twenty-three people were demoted, 26 were given lateral moves and 22 others were offered promotions.

After five hours of discussion behind closed doors, some councillors sold the job cuts with a promise to improve frontline services by eliminating some of the bureaucracy and giving residents better access to services.

"If you want to know something about the Nepean Sportsplex, the answer will be in the Sportsplex, and you won't have to chase down bureaucrats at Constellation Place or anything else. It will be much better," said Coun. Rick Chiarelli.

"We are losing people who have served our community well, but it's very hard to withstand the necessity of trying to make better service delivery for our community," added Coun. Alex Cullen.

The city says the latest round of restructuring means $3.7 million in savings and a seven per cent reduction in administrative costs.

In the meantime, city staff says it will do all it can to accommodate as many people as possible to minimize the impact of the changes.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Vanessa Lee