Dozens of photos were released today showing the LRT construction progress including nearly finished parts of the tunnel, futuristic looking stations and underground views still off limits to the public.

City officials insist they'll meet the new deadline of November but there are still obstacles, including a lingering dispute over the June 2016 sinkhole on Rideau Street .

The reason so much of the project is behind schedule is that sinkhole and there's no agreement on who's to blame.

The massive sinkhole is now a point of disagreement between the city and the group building the LRT.

“Obviously we have an opinion that it's the result of RTG, and they have to take that responsibility because that slowed them down, and they're not meeting the date that they gave us” stated Mayor Jim Watson.

But Rideau Transit Group doesn't think it's responsible for the sinkhole -- blamed for major and costly delays. RTG doesn't think it should pay for sinkhole costs.

No matter what, the city says taxpayers won't foot the bill for LRT delays.

This -- as construction towards the $2 billion LRT system moves forward.

Mayor  Watson adds “I am very confident in the November date, the trains will be running in November, they will have fare service for passengers in November.”

Last month, November 2nd was confirmed as the new date for when the city would be handed the keys to the LRT from the Rideau Transit Group. It was supposed to happen this may. But that deadline was scrapped as holes in the timeline were revealed.

That means OC Transpo will lose out on 1-6 million dollars in fare revenue.


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Trains are actively going through St. Laurent station.

Ottawa's LRT update

(St. Laurent Station - City of Ottawa)

Final construction is taking place at Hurdman Station.

Ottawa LRT Update: Hurdman Station

(Hurdman Station - City of Ottawa)

There are escalators on both sides that are completed, functioning and awaiting final testing.

Ottawa's LRT Update: Hurdman Station

(Hurdman Station - City of Ottawa)

Rideau Station is the largest station that will be a beehive of activity when it's fully commissioned

The iconic downtown station expected to funnel hundreds of thousands of people.

Ottawa's LRT Update: Rideau Station

(Rideau Station - City of Ottawa)

John Manconi, OC Transpo General Manager, explains “the east end is in a more complete state than the west end stations, because that is where our testing and commissioning is occurring”

Tunney's pasture station is being called an engineering marvel.

There will be between 150 and 170 busloads coming in per hour during the peak transferring into this station.

Ottawa's LRT Update: Tunney's Pasture

(Tunney's Pasture Station - City of Ottawa)

The update included a look inside the tunnel and control rooms that house key systems driving everything from escalators to alarms.

Ottawa's LRT Update: Inside the tunnel

(Inside the tunnel - City of Ottawa)

So far on track -- with that November deadline in sight.

O-Train Confederation Line Project Update Powerpoint Presentation