KINGSTON, Ont. -- Police in Kingston say more than 100 charges have been laid and more are pending after St. Patrick's Day celebrations got out of hand.

Police say 27 extra officers were pressed into duty on Sunday after a street party on Aberdeen Street -- infamous for violent clashes during Queen's University's homecoming -- led to numerous noise bylaw complaints.

The party grew to more than 1,000 people, and officers say they laid charges for offences such as having open alcohol, underage drinking and public intoxication.

For safety reasons and to prevent a spillover onto major roadways, police say they contained the area until more officers could be safely deployed to clear the street.

Prior to the Aberdeen event, 21 additional officers were already assigned to cover the anticipated St. Patrick's Day festivities and conduct a RIDE program.

Police also raided an illegal keg party and seized 8 1/2 kegs of alcohol and more than $300.