CTV's health reporter Kate Eggins and her partner James welcomed a baby boy into the world on Dec. 22, 2011. Jack Cudmore was born early, weighing 1.9 pounds. He is still in the hospital. But as you read this note from his mom, baby Jack is a fighter and has a strong spirit to get him through.

Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012.

Jack is proving us right...and has been holding his own for four weeks now. He is my little fighter and I am incredibly proud.

Jack is 28-days old, today.

Or, if you look at things in preemie terms, Jack is 28-weeks and five days gestation. Put another way, he's still not supposed to be born for another 11 weeks! So, he is definitely a fragile little fella. That said, Jack is doing alright.

He has passed some important health milestones. However, he is the owner/operator of one sick little set of lungs.

Thankfully, he has amazing care at the Ottawa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I have come to know the true meaning of the word 'care' in a hospital. I can't say enough about the remarkable women and men who are helping our son.

Jack's lungs have improved enough that he is no longer intubated. This is a wonderful milestone for us. He is now on a less invasive ventilator and his vocal chords are no longer blocked. It took 24 days, but I finally heard him cry . . . it's amazing to hear his voice.

Speaking of amazing, I have been able to hold Jack four times since he was born. Jack weighs 900 grams now. When I hold him I feel his heat more than his weight.

My Jack has a long road ahead. Recently, his doctor said Jack isn't out of the woods yet . . . but I know we will be okay. There will be bumps because he is quite fragile. But I know he will come home with us, perhaps by late spring.

I'm told some of you have written in asking how my son is doing. And viewers named Phyllis and Pat dropped off a card at the station. I can't thank you enough for thinking of my little guy, I just know it is helping him.

A couple of weeks ago I was feeling down after a 'bump' on the road. I was pulling into the hospital parking lot when something caught my eye. It was an inflated balloon caught up in the branches of a tree. The balloon might have wanted to float away but it was tethered to the branches . . . tethered to this place, to us. Just like Jack.

All my best,
