BELLEVILLE - The former operator and some employees of the Mohawk Liquidation store have reoccupied the building about 20 kilometres east of Belleville.

They entered the building on Old Highway 2 on the Tyendinaga Territory this morning and Mohawk territory police are at the scene.

Former operator Andrew Miracle has always maintained the building was unjustly taken from him by the province in March 2010.

He had been ordered two years earlier to give up the store which he had bought from Shawn Brant and his father Ronald Brant in 2002.

The band council of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, which says it owns the building, says Miracle never owned the store, because the Brants didn't own the site at the time of the sale.

The building has been vacant for 19 months but Miracle claims he has the right to occupy the land until the Minister of Indian Affairs determines how much compensation he should get.