
For as little as $32 you can send a child to school with their head held high


CTV Ottawa: Sharing in Student Success For as little as 32 dollars you can send a child to school with their head held high. CTV’s Michael O'Byrne is here to tell us how.

There was a time when elementary schools handed out all the supplies a student needed to start their school year.

These are different times, and sadly, not every family can afford what their child needs.

22-year-old Niamh O'Kelly remembers what it was like to go back to school with a new backpack full of fresh supplies. “It’s a really important time in a kid's life growing up, and back to school. It’s time for a new start, a new year, and it's really nice to have new things to be able to start that new period with.“

O’Kelly says “I always was really happy and really excited to get new things, and kind of sharing the excitement of a having a new backpack to share with everybody else, so I think it's great to be able to give back and make sure everybody can have that chance to feel those feelings. It makes me feel happy, excited knowing the kids are going to get the backpacks and imagining what it might be like - it's spreading a little bit of good around the city”

That's why she volunteered to stuff back packs for The Caring and Sharing Exchange. The organization has received about 2100 requests to help children in need. And the need has never been greater. Right now they're about 350 short.

"What we're seeing is an increase of 33 per cent - so we looked into why that happens because we get referrals through agencies and it turns out it's because of the newcomers from Syria that have made the program grow and need there” says Cindy Smith, Executive Director of The Caring and Sharing Exchange.

What does it cost for a back pack full of back to school supplies?


$32.00 total

Junior (Grade 1-4)

$43.00 total

Senior (Grade 5-8)

$61.50 total

  • Backpack: $25.00
  • Crayons: $3.00
  • Glue: $2.00
  • Scissors: $3.00
  • Backpack: $25.00
  • Pencil case: $5.00
  • Pencil Crayons: $4.00
  • Glue: $2.00
  • Pencils: $1.00
  • Eraser: $0.50
  • Ruler: $1.50
  • Pencil Sharpener: $2.00
  • Scissors: $2.00
  • Backpack: $25.00
  • Pencil case: $5.00
  • Pencil Crayons: $4.00
  • Glue: $2.00
  • Pencils: $1.00
  • Eraser: $0.50
  • Ruler: $1.50
  • Pencil Sharpener: $2.00
  • Scissors: $2.00
  • Pens: $2.00
  • Lined paper: $1.00
  • Duotangs: $0.50
  • Calculator: $3.00
  • Lined notebooks: $2.00
  • Geometry set: $5.00
  • Highlighters: $2.00
  • Binder: $3.00

How you can help!

Donations for this program can be made at or by calling 613-226-6434.