
Explore the crown jewel of Vankleek Hill, Ont.


A-maze-ing adventure in Vankleek Hill A local farm has given their cornfield the royal treatment. CTV's Dave Charbonneau explains.

VANKLEEK HILL, ONT. — If you're looking for something a-maze-ing to do this weekend, look no further than Vankleek Hill, Ont., where a local farm has given their cornfield the Royal treatment.

At Ouimet Farms, they have turned their seven-acre cornfield into a maze fit for a Queen.

"This year we are honouring the late Queen Elizabeth the Second," said Natasha Fortin, one of the maze builders.

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The maze covers approximately four kilometres, and offers a scavenger hunt within the cornfield.

"There are 12 mailboxes hidden within the maze," says Fortin. “You're looking for little pieces that are in the mailbox to complete a picture of the maze."

Completing this labyrinth took about three days. The entire corn maze is about the size of seven football fields.

"So usually we tell people aliens come and do it," Fortin says. "But really, it's all mapped out on a grid and then we just count rows of corn. And we paint and we cut. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it."

Andre Ouimet, the owner of Ouimet Farms, says creating these mazes has become second nature.

"Just a matter of drawing lines and following the path that you want to create. Marking lines on the ground and going in with the tractor and tiller and making your trails."

Beyond the maze, Ouimet Farms offers additional attractions including jumping pillows, pedal carts, slides, and games.

"We've got a museum in the barn," Ouimet says.

This marks the 11th year of Ouimet Farms' artistic corn maze tradition, and there are no plans to stop.

"Just kept going and making it more intricate year after year. It’s just fun to create something," Ouimet said.

The Ouimet Farms Adventure Maze opens its gates on Saturday, Aug. 12, and runs until the last weekend in October. Entry to the farm is $20 per person or $70 for a family of four.