OTTAWA — The case of an OC Transpo bus driver, who was at the wheel of the double-decker that crashed into Westboro station early this year, has been held over again.

Aissatou Diallo is facing three counts of dangerous driving causing death and 35 counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm in connection with the January 11 crash, which left three people dead and dozens more injured or seriously maimed.

The case was held over in early October until Nov. 5 to give the defense time to go over a large amount of information from the Crown.

But in Tuesday’s court appearance, the defense requested the case be held over another two weeks, to arrange a pre-trial meeting between themselves, the Crown, and the judge.

The Crown had countered that the case has already been on hold for a month, and asked to delay the trial by just one week, but ultimately settled on two.

The case returns Nov. 19.