CTV Ottawa has learned new details about the retail plans for Lansdowne Park, including a new road linking Bank Street to Queen Elizabeth Driveway, making the park more accessible.

"It's a civic space so it has to be returned to public realm. It is hugely important and that doesn't mean simply taking the fence down. It means creating a place people want to go to," said Ritchard Brisbin, one of the designers.

The two designers say they are drawing inspiration from the Byward Market, with courtyards nestled among retail buildings. However, there won't be a big box store.

The plans also include a boutique-sized hotel and underground parking for 1,300 vehicles.

There will also be residential housing on Holmwood Avenue along the park's northwest edge, which will be a combination of flats and townhouses.

"The whole notion is to create a new internal circulation system, which allows the car to come in, and functions like a village. And as a village you can walk everywhere, you can take your car in for special events," said Barry Hobin, the second designer working on the project.

The designers say the most important part of a village is a lot of small stores and restaurants, not few large ones.

City council will vote on the plan to redevelop Lansdowne Park in June.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Kate Eggins