The boards have come down from the Vincent Family ice rink in Cornwall.
The front lawn rink was popular with school kids but ran afoul of city bylaws . Several of the neighbours also complained about the bylaw infraction.
The City of Cornwall gave the family until January 5, 2015 to take the boards down. Some of the boards were pegged into city property and there was concern over utilities.
The family with the help of volunteers took the boards down Monday night.
Mayor Leslike O'Shaughnessy says public safety is paramount. "This is a bylaw that is in effect in every municipality. It is there for public safety and it needs to be enforced, " O' Shaughnessy told CTV News.
Laura Vincent says the children are disappointed with the City of Cornwall's response. Vincent says the family is now contemplating a move away from Cornwall.
The family front rink story made headlines across Canada including CTV's Canada AM.