Whether it's a scorching summer day or a frigid night Kenny calls Laurier Street in Gatineau home.

Passing by him every day on his way to work, Norm Schrie did what he could to help from providing food to warm clothing. This year, he started a GoFundMe page that has so far raised more than $5,500 and on Friday, met up with Kenny to tell him the news.

“Wow, thank you so much, I thought nobody really even cared,” said Kenny.

“No matter what I do this is where he remains and I can’t imagine that…so I just wanted to try and it worked,” said Schrie.

Kenny will also be spending Christmas with a woman who was once homeless herself.

“I also was on the street with a dog so I really intimately understand what Kenny’s going through and what the challenges are for him,” said Colette Beardall.

Schrie also presented Kenny with $200 cash and food gift cards provided by donors and nearby businesses.

“We hope that more people will see this story and not in the future walk by anymore. Stop, talk, everyone has a story,” said Sandy Sharkey who helped spread the word on social media.