Ottawa police have now installed audio capabilities on surveillance video recordings in cellblocks following public outcry over the Stacy Bonds case.
Police made the changes to the video system last week.
However, a report to the Ottawa Police Services Board says the audio system will have to be manually activated when each prisoner enters the cellblock.
The report says video surveillance of the cellblock will continue uninterrupted 24 hours a day.
The changes come after a judge called Bonds' treatment in the cellblock an indignity to a human being and surveillance video of the incident was released to the public. The video contained no audio recording.
The incident involved both sworn and civilian officers, prompting the police chief to order retraining in the cellblock.
The job-specific training for officers began on Jan. 8 and is expected to be completed next month. Each officer will receive an additional 16 hours of job-specific training. Police say this training will continue on an annual basis.