Cody Lindsay served in the Canadian forces for seven years; completing two tours of duty. Lindsay was released from the military because of cannabis use.

“It destroyed my life and I kind of fought the system and said 'Listen, this is what's helping me.' ”

An accomplished chef, for years in Ottawa, Lindsay is now The Wellness Soldier. He cooks with cannabis products and shares healthy ways to use oils and edibles in the kitchen; conducting seminars at expos across the country.

“For the first demo I’m going to be doing a steak with chimichurri and horseradish cream sauce and for the second one I’m going to be doing a rustic tomato and bacon pasta with a herb vinaigrette salad.”

The expo featured dozens of vendors providing a multitude of products and services, from glassware to hydroponic equipment.

“It's very, very easy.” said Nabi Alexandre of Teragenic Solutions in Gatineau. Alexandre and his colleagues teach customers how to properly light and set-up equipment for growing plants. The company also offers plant-trimming equipment.”

“The blade spins and basically cuts the excess of your cannabis plants.” He says trimming 4 pounds of plants can take an hour.

Kevin Blackburn is show director of the Cannabis and Hemp Expo, he says from business professionals to those curious about the industry, the two-day event offers something from everyone; over the age of 19.

“Some are selling products, some are here for education. Some are here for recruitment if you want to work in the cannabis sector. People want to learn how they can use cannabis in different ways and not just to get high...To also treat medicinal issues as well so it's just a really good educational forum where you can get a lot of good information.” said Blackburn.

Many in attendance are cannabis-users treating chronic pain and illness.

“I do take other medication but CBD has replaced a lot of anti-inflammatories and things that can damage your kidneys and stuff long-term so that's where I find it benefits.” said Hayley who treats her anxiety and pain with Cannabidiol; a non-psychoactive, high-free cannabis compound.

Angelo Muscari is a clinic manager and Cannabis Consultant guiding a team of trained medical cannabis professionals at Hybridpharm. His pharmacy provides customers with individualized treatment plans and products from pills to oils and snacks.

“This opioid crisis is still with us, I'm a father of four, and I've seen it on a very personal level in many ways and it has to change. Cannabis is not for everyone, but it can be for some people.”