An Ottawa couple was left at the curb after they repeatedly asked their taxi driver to stop texting and driving.

"My friend asked him to not do that and as soon as she did that the cabbie pulled over, stopped the meter and told us both to get out,” said Brian Alkerton.

The incident occurred on Slater St. around 11 p.m. Sunday night after a night at Bluesfest.

They walked the last ten blocks home.

"Some of them are you know, starting to fight with you because they are too drunk or too excited,” said Abdul Wardak, a taxi driver. “For this reason we do that.”

"I didn’t have anything to drink that night. I think she had maybe one or two drinks—if that,” said Alkerton.

City officials say bylaw services will investigate the incident and take appropriate action based on their findings.

This should be easy considering all cabs are equipped with a camera so that if a diver is texting while driving, it shouldn’t take long for the city to find out.

Some drivers are skeptical saying it usually takes bad behaviour for them to give a paying customer the boot.

The taxi union is refusing to comment on the incident.