OTTAWA -- Thursday is Bell Media Day for the annual Toy Mountain drive.

The campaign collects and distributes toys for boys and girls up to age 12.

Bell Media personalities will be sorting gifts at the CTV and Majic 100 Toy Mountain warehouse. Local firefighters will be dropping off the toys collected from the Help Santa Toy Parade at 11 a.m.

For a full list of drop-off locations and hours for Toy Mountain, you can visit the Toy Mountain web site. Toy Mountain will be collecting toys right up until Dec. 24.

Cash donations are also accepted.

Toy Mountain is typically short on toys for boys and girls in the 0-2 and 11-12-year-old categories. 

If you need toys for your children and are on Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program, your worker can register you for Toy Mountain.

If you're not on OW or ODSP, you can call 2-1-1 and they will direct you to the best place to register.