Students and staff at Charles H. Hulse Public School are being relocated to another school after a harmful pesticide was used inside the building 11 days ago.

The school building will be closed to all students, staff, and to the community until further notice.

The Ottawa Carleton District School Board closed the elementary school on Friday after 31 students went home sick. After cleaning and ventilation this past weekend, the school was supposed to re-open Tuesday.

But on Monday, staff that went in to the school to set the classrooms back up noticed the pesticide smell was returning. A few started to have symptoms again.

The school board sent out a notice Tuesday afternoon that as of Wednesday morning, students and staff at the school will be relocated to Parkwood Hills Public School building at 60 Tiverton Drive, which is currently vacant.

Students who take the bus to Charles H. Hulse will go to their regular bus stop. The bus will take them to Ridgemont High School, which is directly beside Charles H. Hulse, where their classroom teacher will meet them.  Once all students have arrived, a bus will take students and teachers to Parkwood Hills Public School.

Students who walk to school should walk to Ridgemont High. Students will be met by their classroom teacher.  Once all students have arrived, a bus will take students and teachers to Parkwood Hills Public School.


Child care services at the school are being moved to Alta Vista Public School.

Ottawa Public Health was back on scene with an investigator on Tuesday. Representatives from the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of the Environment and Health Canada are also looking into the matter.

It's unclear when the school will reopen.