Ottawa residents who still call St. Vincent & The Grenadines homes are asking for contributions to help the Caribbean island devastated by Christmas Eve flooding.

The association issued this statement requesting donations:

“On December 24, 2013, St. Vincent and the Grenadines was battered by a ‘Flash-flood' that left eight people dead and many injured/missing. This flash-flood also caused extensive damages to properties and many families are now displaced throughout the island.

The St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Ottawa is reaching out for your support to assist the many displaced families now homeless or living in shelters.

You can offer your support by:

Making a monetary donation to our accounts at the TD Bank: Account # 7537-5218333 (Cheques made payable to SVG Ottawa Association Relief Fund)

 Contributing non-perishable food items, and toiletries etc.
            East Ottawa: Maxine Adams: 613-327-3406
            Central Ottawa: Sophia Jacobs: 613-282-2922
            West Ottawa: Holly Johnson: 613-229-8228
            or Suzette Weekes at”